Chavez Chavez 
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Все комментарии
MiNeRs What patch ? I have, And I want this graphics =Ъ
Никита None01.11.2010
andreyhuzur94 Give me config this please! ='))))))))
Андрей Василишин30.10.2010
Eiswolfi nice picture^^ i like the colours^^
Wolf Wolfi14.10.2010
EVOLUT7ON Very cool =)
Andrew Evolution08.10.2010
Jalenliu3 Nice explosion ~ Cool !
Jalen Liu30.09.2010
StudiaRoss magnificently
Ростислав Пожар17.09.2010
EVOLUT7ON Nice shoot!)
Andrew Evolution13.09.2010
Jalenliu2 Great shot ~ I like it so much.
Jalen Liu12.09.2010
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